Swift Date Formats

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Swift makes decoding JSON really easy. There's no need to use a custom library for JSON parsing as the default API brings everything we need, from custom key mapping to formatting dates. If you like to improve your Swift knowledge, even more, check out the Swift category page.

  1. Swift is a general-purpose, multi-paradigm, compiled programming language developed by Apple Inc. And the open-source community, first released in 2014.Swift was developed as a replacement for Apple's earlier programming language Objective-C, as Objective-C had been largely unchanged since the early 1980s and lacked modern language features.
  2. ★★ Star me to follow the project! ★★ Created and maintaned by Daniele Margutti - www.danielemargutti.com. SwiftDate is the definitive toolchain to manipulate and display dates and time zones on all Apple platform and even on Linux and Swift Server Side frameworks like Vapor or Kitura.
  3. We are using two instance of NSDateFormatter to specify the date and time style for each date picker controls. code language='swift'let dateFormatter = NSDateFormatter let timeFormatter = NSDateFormatter/code Add the following function that formats the date and time and assigns the value to UILabel.
  4. The last challenge is how we can format dates and times, and once again Swift gives us a specific type to do most of the work for us. This time it's called DateFormatter, and it lets us convert a date into a string in a variety of ways. For example, if we just wanted the time from a date we would write this.

Microsoft BizTalk Accelerator for SWIFT (A4SWIFT) provides the SWIFT header and trailer schemas. A4SWIFT has already incorporated these into the interchange schemas for the various financial (FIN) messages. If you want to create a custom SWIFT FIN format style message type (for example, an N98 message), you can incorporate the header and trailer schemas into your own format.

Swift Convert Date To String

The SWIFT header schema (SWIFT Header.xsd) contains the formats for the following:

  • Basic Header

  • Application Header (choice of Input or Output)

  • User Header

  • Beginning delimiter of the text block

    The Basic Header contains information about the source of the message. The Application Header contains information about the message type and the destination of the message. The resolution of the message type by the SWIFT disassembler in a receive pipeline is based on the contents of the field in the appropriate Application Header. The User Header is optional, and contains special processing instructions.


A few message types have variable formats based on the contents of field 119 in the User Header. These are 'dual message types' in A4SWIFT. The A4SWIFT disassembler uses the message type in the Application Header in conjunction with the contents of field 119 to select the appropriate schema for a message instance.

The User Header is optional, and appears mainly for FIN-Copy use. The Service identifier in Block 1 must be '01'. If the header is present, at least one of the fields must be present. However, all of the fields are optional. The fields in the User Header follow the same rules as those in the message text area.

The following table lists all of the SWIFT header field types.

Field typeDescription
Application Identifier (Block 1)Designates the application that has established the association used to convey the message. You always use F for FIN messages.
Block Identifier (All)The first character inside the left curly brace. The Block Identifier is always followed by a colon.
1 = Basic Header
2 = Application Header
3 = User Header
4 = Message Text
(See values below for Trailer.)
Delivery Monitoring (Block 2) (optional)If the priority is U, delivery monitoring must be:
1 = Non-Delivery Warning
3 = Non-Delivery Warning and Delivery Notification.
If the priority is N, delivery monitoring must be:
2 = Delivery Notification
Not included
Destination Address (Block 2)The full Logical Terminal (LT) address of the destination of the message being sent to the SWIFT network.
End Delimiter (Blocks All)You use the right curly brace (}) for the End Delimiter.
Input/Output Identifier (Block 2)I = messages sent to SWIFT.
O = messages sent from SWIFT.
Input Time and Date (Block 2)The hour (HH) and minute (MM) followed by the year (YY), month (MM) and Day (DD) on which the sender sent the message to SWIFT. The Input Time and Date is always local to the sender of the message.
Logical Terminal (LT) Address (Block 1)The logical terminal address of the sender for messages sent or the receiver for messages received from the SWIFT network.
Message Input Reference (MIR) (Block 2)The date the sender sent the message to SWIFT written in the format, year (YY), month (MM), and Day (DD). The MIR is always local to the sender of the message, and is followed by the full LT address of the sender of the message, and the sender's session and sequence to SWIFT.
Message Priority (Block 2)Priority of the message; 'S' for system messages (types 000—099); 'U' for Urgent or 'N' for user-to-user messages (types 100—999).
Message Type (Block 2)Three-digit FIN message type, 000 – 999.
Obsolescence Period (Block 2--optional)Default value of 3 units (15 minutes) for Priority U and 20 units (100 minutes) for Priority N. (Default values always used. Valid only if Delivery Monitoring is present.
Output Date (Block 2)The output date, local to the receiver, written in the following format: YYMMDD.
Output Time (Block 2)The output time, local to the receiver, written in the following format: HHMM.
Sequence Number (Block 1)For all FIN messages with a Service Identifier of 01 or 05, this number is the next expected sequence number appropriate to the direction of the transmission.
For FIN messages with a Service Identifier of 21 or 25, the sequence number is that of the acknowledged service message.
Service Identifier (Block 1)A two-digit number identifying the type of service message, appropriate to the FIN application. For all messages of types 000 to 999 for FIN, use 01. For all messages of types 02 to 43, use their two-digit service message type.
Session Identifier (Block 1)As appropriate, the current application session number based on the Login.
Start Delimiter (All Blocks)The left curly brace: {.

See Also

< Selecting dates and times with DatePickerTraining a model with Create ML >

Paul Hudson@twostraws

Having users enter dates is as easy as binding an @State property of type Date to a DatePicker SwiftUI control, but things get a little woolier afterwards.

You see, working with dates is hard. Like, really hard. Way harder than you think. Way harder than I think, and I've been working with dates for years.

Take a look at this trivial example:

That creates a range from now (Date() is the current date) to the same time tomorrow (86400 is the number of seconds in a day).

That might seem easy enough, but do all days have 86,400 seconds? If they did, a lot of people would be out of jobs! Think about daylight savings time: sometimes clocks go forward (losing an hour) and sometimes go backwards (gaining an hour), meaning that we might have 23 or 25 hours in those days. Then there are leap seconds: times that get added to the clocks in order to adjust for the Earth's slowing rotation.

If you think that's hard, try running this from your Mac's terminal: cal. This prints a simple calendar for the current month, showing you the days of the week. Now try running cal 9 1752, which shows you the calendar for September 1752 – you'll notice 12 whole days are missing, thanks to the calendar moving from Julian to Gregorian.

Now, the reason I'm saying all this isn't to scare you off – dates are inevitable in our programs, after all. Instead, I want you to understand that for anything significant – any usage of dates that actually matters in our code – we should rely on Apple's frameworks for calculations and formatting.

In the project we're making we'll be using dates in three ways:

  1. Choosing a sensible default 'wake up' time.
  2. Reading the hour and minute they want to wake up.
  3. Showing their suggested bedtime neatly formatted.

We could, if we wanted, do all that by hand, but then you're into the realm of daylight savings, leap seconds, and Gregorian calendars.

Flavours2 224. Much better is to have iOS do all that hard work for us: it's much less work, and it's guaranteed to be correct regardless of the user's region settings.

Let's tackle each of those individually, starting with choosing a sensible wake up time.

As you've seen, Swift gives us Date for working with dates, and that encapsulates the year, month, date, hour, minute, second, timezone, and more. However, we don't want to think about most of that – we want to say 'give me an 8am wake up time, regardless of what day it is today.'

Swift has a slightly different type for that purpose, called DateComponents, which lets us read or write specific parts of a date rather than the whole thing.

So, if we wanted a date that represented 8am today, we could write code like this:

Now, because of difficulties around date validation, that date(from:) method actually returns an optional date, so it's a good idea to use nil coalescing to say 'if that fails, just give me back the current date', like this:

The second challenge is how we could read the hour they want to wake up. Remember, DatePicker is bound to a Date giving us lots of information, so we need to find a way to pull out just the hour and minute components.

Again, DateComponents comes to the rescue: we can ask iOS to provide specific components from a date, then read those back out. One hiccup is that there's a disconnect between the values we request and the values we get thanks to the way DateComponents works: we can ask for the hour and minute, but we'll be handed back a DateComponents instance with optional values for all its properties. Yes, we know hour and minute will be there because those are the ones we asked for, but we still need to unwrap the optionals or provide default values.

So, we might write code like this:

The last challenge is how we can format dates and times, and once again Swift gives us a specific type to do most of the work for us. This time it's called DateFormatter, and it lets us convert a date into a string in a variety of ways.

For example, if we just wanted the time from a date we would write this:

Swift Date Formats

We could also set .dateStyle to get date values, and even pass in an entirely custom format using dateFormat, but that's way out of the remit of this project!

The point is that dates are hard, but Apple has provided us with stacks of helpers to make them less Dictionary 123. hard. If you learn to use them well you'll write less code, and write better code too!

Dateformatter swiftui

We could also set .dateStyle to get date values, and even pass in an entirely custom format using dateFormat, but that's way out of the remit of this project!

The point is that dates are hard, but Apple has provided us with stacks of helpers to make them less Dictionary 123. hard. If you learn to use them well you'll write less code, and write better code too!

Swift Date Formatting

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< Selecting dates and times with DatePickerTraining a model with Create ML >

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